How can I contribute?
How Can I Help?

Like any charitable organization or non-profit group, The Veteran Tickets Foundation 501c(3) relies solely on the generosity of the public and our constituents for donations and financial support in carrying out our mission of enriching the lives of our Military and Veterans by providing reintegration opportunities and family bonding experiences through socially interactive events.

Veteran Tickets Foundation hopes that you, your business and/or your corporation will consider making a donation or help by sponsoring our Tickets for Troops or Hero's Wish Programs. We cannot carry on this mission without YOU!

There are a number of ways you can support Veteran Tickets Foundation! Choose any of the following that best fit your ability to help!

Donate Event Tickets and Gift Certificates (Tax-deductible)

If you have event tickets or gift certificates (merchandise or restaurants) that will go unused, consider donating them to Veteran Tickets Foundation.

Event tickets, gift certificates, and gift cards will be used for the Tickets for Troops and Hero's Wish programs.

In all cases contributions of this kind will benefit our Military, Veterans and their families.

If you would like to donate your event tickets or similar items please visit our ticket donation page.

All event ticket contributions to Veteran Tickets Foundation are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code.

Donate Tickets

Donate Money Online (Tax-Deductible)

Your monetary contribution will directly support the work of the Foundation. Funds are distributed to support our Tickets for Troops and Hero's Wish programs.

Veteran Tickets Foundation: we strive to keep administrative costs as low as possible so that more of your gift directly supports our programs.

Donations of any amount are accepted and will help provide more event tickets for those who are serving or have served this great nation.

All monetary contributions to Veteran Tickets Foundation are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code.

Donate Online Now by clicking below!

PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
Donate Money Via Mail (Tax-Deductible)

If you would rather mail a donation, checks may be made payable to:

Veterans Tickets Foundation
1255 W. Rio Salado Pkwy
Tempe AZ 85281

Facebook Fundraising

Facebook now gives you the option to create a fundraising campaign that you can share with your family and friends to let them know that this year-in lieu of gifts-you would like a donation to be made to Vet Tix. It's easy to set up, and you can even customize it with your own photo! Get started here:

Charity Auctions On EBay
Ebay Charity Auction

Do you sell items on Ebay? If so you can include us as your charity of choice. To include us, just search for Veteran Tickets Foundation as a cause, choose the amount you would like to donate and then start selling. For more information click here to view our ebay causes page.

Kroger Community Giving


You can now earn donations to Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) while you shop at any of the Kroger family brand stores. For more information click here to find out more.

Donate Using Last Will And Testament - Leave A Legacy

Charitable Bequests

A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. There are different kinds of bequests. For each, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets, and to successfully carry out your final wishes. In any charitable bequest, be sure to name the recipient accurately. A bequest to The Cancer Society might go to national headquarters, when you meant it to go to the affiliate in your community.
last will and testimate

Do you have an estate?

Your estate is the sum of your assets, including property you own, insurance policies, retirement accounts, cash on hand, etc. Wealthy people may have very large estates, but even people who aren't wealthy often have the resources to make a charitable bequest. If every adult in America made a will and included a bequest of just $100, billions of dollars would flow to charitable causes every year.

Below, we have listed some of the more common kinds of bequests, and some bequest language. We always recommend that you carefully review the terms of your will with a professional trained in handling trusts and estates.

General Bequests are legacies left to certain people or causes that come from the general value of the estate, and are made by designating a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate to the cause of your choice.

General bequest language:
"I give, devise, and bequeath to VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION, the sum of $________(or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION and its general purposes."

Specific Bequests are made when a particular item or property is bequeathed for a designated purpose. (i.e., instruments bequeathed to the local school district for use in music education; dollar funds to be used in the operation of a school or church.)

Specific bequest language:
"I give, devise, and bequeath to VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION, the sum of $_______ (or a description of a specific asset), for the benefit of VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION to be used for the following purpose: FULFILL HERO'S WISHES. If at any time in the judgment of the trustees of VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION it is impossible or impracticable to carry out exactly the designated purpose, they shall determine an alternative purpose closest to the designated purpose."

Residuary Bequests are made when you intend to leave the residue portion of your assets after other terms of the will have been satisfied.

Residuary bequest language:
"All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION, for its general purposes."

Contingency Bequests allow you to leave a portion of your estate to a particular charity if your named beneficiary does not survive you.

Contingency bequest language:
"I devise and bequeath the residue of the property, real and personal and wherever situated, owned by me at my death, to (name of beneficiary), if (she/he) survives me. If (name of beneficiary) does not survive me, I devise and bequeath my residuary estate to VETERAN TICKETS FOUNDATION, for its general purposes."

Without a will, there is no mechanism in place to make a bequest, so here are the steps you should take to make sure your wishes are granted.

  • Make a list of organizations or causes that you would like to support.
  • Make a detailed list of your assets (financial, real estate, vehicles, jewelry, collectibles, musical instruments, etc.)
  • Set up an appointment with your financial analyst or attorney, or planned giving officer at the organization you intend to support. These professionals will help sensitively guide you through the process.

For more information on why and how to give to Veteran Tickets Foundation using your last will and testament please visit LEAVE A LEGACY.

Combined Federal Campaign
If you have the opportunity to be part of the Combined Federal Campaign, check box 44909 and donate to the Veteran Tickets Foundation.
Personal Online Shopping

The Vet Tix Store!

This is the one and only place to purchase your Vet Tix merchandise! Inside the store you will find Vet Tix Shirts, Jerseys, Hats, Pins, and other fine quality products. Help us spread the word by wearing one of our shirts to the next free game you attend from Vet Tix.

Question - What happens with purchase proceeds?
Answer - Any profits from the merchandise goes directly to the Veteran Tickets Foundation mission.

Corporate Sponsorship

For information about corporate sponsorship opportunities please contact us.

Just Say Thanks

You can promote the work of the Foundation simply by saying "Thanks" to the next Veteran or Currently Serving Member of the armed services you see. Spotting a Veteran is easy. Look at the license plate of the car parked next to you at work. You may find the individual is a Purple Heart recipient or simply a Veteran of the Armed Forces.

Stop by a local recruiting station, nursing home, VFW, or American Legion and simply say "Thanks".

Link To Us

If you have a blog, a diary, a social network profile, post on forums or message boards or if you have your own website, you can always help us spread the word by linking to us!

Link to Veteran Tickets Foundation!

Click here to get your logo banners and linking codes!

Click here to get your poster sized banners and flyers and linking codes!

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Fulfill a Wish
Help Fulfill A Wish Today!
Universal Studios Orlando with my family
Hello, my name is David and I am writing this asking for your help to fulfill a family trip to help celebrate our retirement from the Military. I enlisted in the military in 2004 and over the past 20 years of service, 14 of those have been in special operations. My career has taken me on 16 combat deployments, resulting in many missed holidays, birthdays, and significant family events. My service has been the honor of my life, but now I am seeking support for a family trip to help mend those missed moments and reconnect with my loved ones. We are seeking a 5-day 3 park pass to Universal Studios Orlando. Now that my kids are tall enough to ride anything, we looking forward to enjoying every attraction the park has to offer. Thanks!

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Help Fulfill A Wish Today!
Take my family to Disney World
My name is Bradley. I’ve served in the Army for 17 years now. I’ve been stationed in Germany and deployed on combat rotations twice. Just got back from a 10 month deployment to Poland in Oct of 24. I’m married to an amazing wife named Courtney and we have four children together. My family and I have been dreaming of the day to go to Disney World. Unfortunately we haven’t had the time or money so it’s been delayed again and again.

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Help Fulfill A Wish Today!
Family Memory Making Trip to Walt Disney
My name is James. I Marine veteran and severely wounded purple heart recipient. My youngest daughter was born during the pandemic and we would love to give her the magical memories of a Disney experience. I am requesting tickets for my family of 5 for Walt Disney World in order to create lifelong memories for our family. During my deployment in Iraq I experienced loss of lives too soon. I have tried to make it a priority to make memories in my everyday life with my wife and three daughters as often as I can, because tomorrow is never promised.

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Help Fulfill A Wish Today!
Disney World Family Vacation
Hi! My name is Noemi, I am a nurse in the Army. I am currently on a 9-month deployment in the Middle East. When I return I would like to take my family to Disney World for Christmas. They have been very strong and supportive while I have been away, and I would like to give them a family trip of a lifetime. We have always wanted to go to Disney during the holiday season, and I would really like to spend some quality family time in the happiest place on earth. My family would enjoy this trip after being away from each other for 9-months. If you are able to help with park tickets it would be extremely helpful. Thank you so much!

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Help Fulfill A Wish Today!
Family trip to Orlando Disney
Hi, my name is Richie. I'm a 19 D Cav Scout in the U.S. Army. I'm active duty and have been in the Army for 10.5 years. I'm currently serving on my 2nd deployment. In the picture, you see my family and I moments before I left for deployment. Me and my wife have 3 handsome boys ages 13,12 and 5. I will return back in a few weeks and would love to surprise my family with a vacation to Disney World. I would really be grateful for my "Hero's Wish" to be able to get five (3-day Park Hopper) tickets to make some great memories with my wife and children.

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Help Fulfill A Wish Today!
Family Disney Trip After 1 Year Deployment
I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Marie (14 years married) and together we have two children, Elodie (7 years old) and Gabriel (3 years old). I've been in the military for 14 years, a majority of the time being in MARSOC as a Marine Special Ops Operator. For my 5th and most recent deployment in April of 2023 I was Force Mobilized to Iraq with NATO. Due to sourcing issues for a replacement, I was extended three times to make a six months turn into a one year deployment overseas! Over the year, I’ve missed birthdays and holidays alike, especially when the kids were hoping for me to be “home by their birthdays!” As I look to come home and reconnect with my family after one year apart, I’m wishing to take my family to Disney World. Having time together would be a blessing and opportunity to help make up for all the time lost while I was in Iraq. My kids and wife have been so strong thinking I would be home soon and to be disappointed to find the deployment was extended 3 times for a total of a year. I would love to be able to surprise the kids with this. Thank you so much for your consideration and hopeful support. As we say in the Marine Raiders, “Never above you, never below you, always beside you.”

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