Current Hero's Wishes
Hello, my name is Nick. I am a 17 year Army Soldier, husband, and father to two wonderful children. I am currently deployed to the Middle East. While this is my third deployment for the military, this is my first as a Dad. Back home, I live the somewhat cliche tale of a full-time Sheriff Deputy married to an elementary school teacher. My wife and I both have a passion for serving others, but this trip is far different with my wife taking on so much of the burden. By the time all is done and I am finally home, my family will have been apart for over 13 months out of a 16 month period. I would like nothing more than to take my 8 year old and 5 year old for a trip to Disney World to celebrate finally being a family again and to thank them for letting their Dad go help others while I could. Thank you for your consideration.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
We need $1,800.00 to make this Hero's Wish Come True
I want to donate $1,800.00 (the remaining amount)
Partial Donations are Welcome!
(100% of your donation WILL be used to fulfill THIS Wish)
Post Deployment Trip to Disney World
Hello, my name is David and I am writing this asking for your help to fulfill a family trip to help celebrate our retirement from the Military. I enlisted in the military in 2004 and over the past 20 years of service, 14 of those have been in special operations. My career has taken me on 16 combat deployments, resulting in many missed holidays, birthdays, and significant family events. My service has been the honor of my life, but now I am seeking support for a family trip to help mend those missed moments and reconnect with my loved ones. We are seeking a 5-day 3 park pass to Universal Studios Orlando. Now that my kids are tall enough to ride anything, we looking forward to enjoying every attraction the park has to offer. Thanks!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
We need $1,200.00 to make this Hero's Wish Come True
I want to donate $1,175.00 (the remaining amount)
Partial Donations are Welcome!
(100% of your donation WILL be used to fulfill THIS Wish)
Donations Given By:
  • Darren donated $25.00
Universal Studios Orlando with my family
Hello! My name is Maksym, I'm a SFC of the US army and I'm currently deployed to the Middle East. This year me and my wife should be celebrating our 10 years of marriage and even though I will be away I would love to take her along with my 2 daughters Mia and Melissa to the Disney World in Orlando once I return form the deployment in Dec 2024. Mia would be so happy to visit a Harry Potter attractions there and Melissa is all about princesses. I miss them so much and that would be the perfect opportunity to spend time with my wife and my beautiful girls all together after almost a year of separation.Thank you for helping the soldiers!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
We need $1,800.00 to make this Hero's Wish Come True
I want to donate $1,800.00 (the remaining amount)
Partial Donations are Welcome!
(100% of your donation WILL be used to fulfill THIS Wish)
Post Deployment Disney World trip
Hi! My name is Jeff and I am currently on 13 month mobilization orders deployed to the Middle East. Proudly serving in the US Navy Reserve, this is my fourth overseas deployment in 6 years. I’d really like to surprise my family with a long overdue vacation. My wife and I are parents to a disabled, special needs adult child that gets super excited about anything Disney. We have always wanted to be able to plan a trip to take him to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. My wife is the real hero here as she has been home holding things down and taking care of our boy while I've been away. This particular deployment was made more challenging because of course, everything waits for me to leave to go wrong so she has faced home repairs and dealt with having to get the AC fixed in the heat of the Texas summer. Her car has been in for repairs as well. The sacrifices she makes every day in support of our family are not easy but she goes above and beyond to get it all done! I am so proud of her and wish so much to make her dream a realization and take our family on this vacation to make up for all the time I have missed through these deployments! I expect to return home by early May 2024 and would really appreciate any help in making this wish for four, 3-day park-hopper-plus tickets (with available disability services) come true! If it does, we would plan our trip between April and September 2025. Thank you for taking the time to read my wish!
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
We need $1,800.00 to make this Hero's Wish Come True
I want to donate $1,775.00 (the remaining amount)
Partial Donations are Welcome!
(100% of your donation WILL be used to fulfill THIS Wish)
Donations Given By:
  • Eulalio donated $15.00
  • Kenneth donated $10.00
Wishing to take the family on a dream vacation to Disney World
(Displaying results 11 through 14 of 14)
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Hero's Wish Feedback
The Wiggles Tickets\
Homecoming DisneyWorld Dream\
Disney World November 2014\
Disney World FL\
A Disney World Dream Come True For My Princess \