Anaheim Ducks - NHL vs Calgary Flames
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Thank you for your generosity in donating tickets for the Flames vs. Ducks. We thoroughly enjoyed the evening and was glad to get to go before the end of the season. It was a great time to go with the retirement and fan appreciation night.

Mark, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1976 - 1997

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Amazing tickets/view. It was an honor to watch the final home game. Thank you VetTix for honoring us with the final home game.

Martin, U.S. Marine Corps (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Thank you to the Anaheim ducks organization. They’re such a great organization. I really appreciate being able to take my family to see an exciting ducks game. Always love going to see hometown team.

Matthew, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1997 - 2004

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Great game but unfortunately the Ducks lost 😢 Thank you Vettix and the Duck organization for the tickets!

melchor, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
It was a great date night. Enjoying great games. Thank you.

Miguel, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1999 - 2008

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Thank You Anaheim Ducks for your donation. You have been my favorite franchise since I was a kid. We’re the best franchise in all of hockey. Go Ducks!

Nathan, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2013 - 2016

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Thank you for the tickets. My family and I had a great time.

Raphael, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2004 - 2009

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Thank you for the tickets, took my co worker and her family to the game. They loved it. RCR

Robert C, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1992 - 1996

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Great way to spend time with my dad and sister for my birthday! Let’s go Ducks!

Steven, U.S. Marine Corps (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Anaheim Ducks
Thank you Vet tix it was great evening and great time with family. Will

William, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1990 - 2014

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