My name is CWO3 Damien Wieland. I am currently on my 11th deployment in the Navy where I have proudly served for almost 20 years. Despite only one shore duty thus far, I maintain that the Navy has been fantastic for my family which is why we continue to serve while sacrificing precious family time in the name of freedom. Through years of service, multiple deployments and a number of extended TDY's my incredible family has missed my presence during countless birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas' and other meaningful events. My wife has sacrificed the most yet continues to be the lighthouse this Sailor depends on. With multiple PCS moves and a complete lack of stability I consider myself both blessed and fortunate to have a loving and understanding support system at home; we are all proud patriots of this great country. That said, it would be amazing to be able to put huge smiles on my families faces with a dream come true vacation to Disney World. Disney holds a special place in my kids' life as, when home, we sit down as a family for Disney movie nights when able and the memories from a once in a lifetime vacation to Disney World would be the icing on the cake to them. I would personally be ecstatic to share that the kind people of the world recognized their sacrifices and wanted them to have a dream come true vacation to spend time with mommy, daddy, and all of their Disney heroes. Thank you so much in advance for kindness and consideration to this loving and appreciative family. We are all proud to serve and will continue to do so for many more years to come!

U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Madeline donated $700.00
- Raymond donated $600.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
A dream come true family vacation is the exact way I would describe our trip. Thank you Vet Tix and the Hero's Wish coordinators for all the work that goes into this amazing program and opportunity. As a service member who will hit 20 years of service this August I have nothing but gratitude for what the military has done for myself and the life my family and I are afforded. The time away from the family is truly the only hard part of serving and it was incredible to be gifted these lifelong memories. My kids, five and seven years old, had the time of their lives. Above all else, they were most excited to be at Disney World as a family. The memories will surely last a lifetime. My son and I have spent hours sword fighting (souvenirs he chose), my daughter and I made secret hand shakes while waiting for rides and my wife (who as a military spouse, the hardest job of all) was able to take off a few of her hats, unwind and relax while just being a mother. We enjoyed our time together so much and are forever grateful to have been given this experience. A special thank you to Madeline and Raymond, our angel donors, whose selflessly generous donations will never be forgotten. On behalf of my family, thank you!
- Damien

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